Georgia Tech supports two main types of industry-engagement, donations through the Georgia Tech Foundation and research agreements administered through the Office of Industry Relations.
Donations can be made to support wide ranging activities of interest to the company within the disability arena. Donations follow the requirements of Federal law so are not endowed with defined scopes of work or defined deliverables. Industry benefits include: 1) engaging Georgia Tech students and faculty that might lead to additional relationships, and 2) access to the outputs of design and research activities.
- Capstone design class sponsorship– students are provided with a particular technology need and are led through a user-centered design process. Students will develop multiple concepts, and in collaboration with the industry-sponsor, will select one for fabrication and initial performance evaluation.
- Unrestricted donations to support development activities of interest to the company; while donation-based projects are less formal, they offer companies an opportunity to work with REARLab in a relatively low-cost manner.
Research Agreements represent a formal relationship between industry and the Institute and involve a defined scope of work and deliverables. Intellectual property and confidentiality are managed as a part of the Agreement.
Donating to the Georgia Tech Foundation directly impacts the REAR Lab.
It is the mission of the Georgia Tech Foundation, its Board of Trustees, officers and staff to foster and manage gifts given in support of academic excellence in the spirit and traditions of the Georgia Institute of Technology. The Foundation is honored to be entrusted with this mission and encourages every person working on its behalf to always:
- Promote the cause of higher education in the State of Georgia
- Receive and manage financial donations received by the Foundation for support and enhancement of the Georgia Institute of Technology
- Assist the Georgia Institute of Technology in its role as a leading educational and research institution
The Georgia Tech Foundation is dedicated to continuing this mission, as it has since 1932, and pledges to faithfully provide to the Georgia Institute of Technology the support it so richly deserves.
Visit the Georgia Tech Foundation website to find out more.