You can access publications by REAR Lab principal investigator Stephen Sprigle on Google Scholar or here at Georgia Tech SmartTech. Access more REAR Lab publications by Sharon Sonenblum on Google Scholar. Follow the links below to view abstracts of the following publications. If you would like accessible versions of these documents, please email
Sprigle S, Deshpande Y, Wang EJAT. Evaluating bottoming-out of bariatric sized wheelchair cushions. 2023:1-5.
Sprigle S, Sonenblum SE, Deshpande Y, Jordan K. Wheelchair in-seat monitoring design considerations. 2022.
Sprigle S, Huang M, Misch JJAT. Measurement of rolling resistance and scrub torque of manual wheelchair drive wheels and casters. 2022;34(1):91-103.
Sprigle S, Deshpande YJFiB, Biotechnology. Procedure to categorize wheelchair cushion performance using compliant buttock models. 2022:1785
Sprigle S, Chen J, Hughes DJAT. Assessment of wheeled mobility devices provided to a commercially insured population in 2017. 2022;34(3):308-15.
Sonenblum SE, Feng C, Sprigle SJTJoSCM. The relationship between in-seat movement and pressure ulcers in wheelchair users with SCI/D. 2022:1-9.
Misch JP, Liu Y, Sprigle SJIToNS, Engineering R. Effect of Wheels, Casters and Forks on Vibration Attenuation and Propulsion Cost of Manual Wheelchairs. 2022;30:2661-70.
Misch J, Sprigle SJJoR, Engineering AT. Estimating whole-body vibration limits of manual wheelchair mobility over common surfaces. 2022;9:20556683221092322.
Misch J, Sprigle SJAoPM, Rehabilitation. Effects of Wheel and Tire Selection on High-Strength Lightweight Manual Wheelchair Propulsion Cost Using Robotic Propulsion. 2022;103(3):e12.
Misch J, Sprigle SJAOJoE. Propulsion Cost Changes of Ultra-Lightweight Manual Wheelchairs After One Year of Simulated Use. 2022;1.
Misch J, Sprigle S. Dataset for” Propulsion cost changes of ultra-lightweight manual wheelchairs after one year of simulated use”. 2022.
Misch J, Liu Y, Sprigle S. Dataset for” Effect of wheels, casters and forks on vibration attenuation and propulsion cost of manual wheelchairs”. 2022.
Deshpande Y, Sprigle S. The design of a family of parametric anatomically-based compliant buttock models to evaluate wheelchair cushion performance-Supplemental material. 2022.
Delmore B, Sprigle S, Samim M, Alfonso AR, Lin L, Chiu EJAiS, et al. Does Sacrococcygeal Skeletal Morphology and Morphometry Influence Pressure Injury Formation in Adults? 2022;35(11):586-95.
Brienza DM, Campbell KE, Sprigle SJAiS, Care W. The Past, Present, and Future of Pressure Injury Prevention in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury. 2022;35(2):84-6.
Barbareschi G, Sonenblum S, Holloway C, Sprigle SJAT. Does the setting matter? Observing wheelchair transfers across different environmental conditions. 2022;34(3):326-33.
Ahad N, Sonenblum SE, Davenport MA, Sprigle SJAT. Validating a wheelchair in-seat activity tracker. 2022;34(5):588-98.
Sprigle, S., Caminiti, R., and Varenberg, M., Friction characteristics of preventative wound dressings under clinically-relevant conditions. Wound Repair and Regeneration, 29(2), 2021: 280-283.
Ahad, N., S.E. Sonenblum, Davenport, M.A. and Sprigle, S., Validating a wheelchair in-seat activity tracker. Assistive Technology (2021): 1-11
Padula, W. V., et al., Best-practices for preventing skin injury beneath personal protective equipment during the COVID-19 pandemic: A position paper from the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel. Journal of Clinical Nursing.
Sprigle S, Caminiti R, Varenberg MJWR, Regeneration. Friction characteristics of preventative wound dressings under clinically‐relevant conditions. 2021;29(2):280-3.
Sonenblum SE, Measel M, Sprigle SH, Greenhalgh J, Cathcart JMJFib, biotechnology. An exploratory analysis of the role of adipose characteristics in fulltime wheelchair users’ pressure injury history. 2021;9:753897.
Sonenblum SE, Maurer CL, Hanes CD, Piriano J, Sprigle SHJAT. Everyday use of power adjustable seat height (PASH) systems. 2021;33(6):297-305.
Misch J, Sprigle SJD, Technology RA. Effects of wheels and tires on high-strength lightweight wheelchair propulsion cost using a robotic wheelchair tester. 2021:1-11.
Sprigle, S. and S. Pubillones, Developing a process for assessing equivalency of wheelchair cushion pressure redistribution performance. Assist Technol, 2020. 32(2): p. 92-99.
Sprigle, S., D. McNair, and S. Sonenblum, Pressure Ulcer Risk Factors in Persons with Mobility-Related Disabilities. Adv Skin Wound Care, 2020. 33(3): p. 146-154.
Sprigle, S. and M. Huang, Manual wheelchair propulsion cost across different components and configurations during straight and turning maneuvers. J Rehabil Assist Technol Eng, 2020. 7: p. 2055668320907819.
Sprigle, S., Chen, J., and Hughes, D., Assessment of wheeled mobility devices provided to a commercially insured population in 2017. Assistive Technol, 2020: 1-8.
Sonenblum, S.E., D. Seol, S.H. Sprigle, and J.M. Cathcart, Seated buttocks anatomy and its impact on biomechanical risk. J Tissue Viability, 2020.
Lin, J.T. and S. Sprigle, The influence of operator and wheelchair factors on wheelchair propulsion effort. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol, 2020. 15(3): p. 328-335.
Barbareschi, G., S. Sonenblum, C. Holloway, and S. Sprigle, Does the setting matter? Observing wheelchair transfers across different environmental conditions. Assistive Technol, 2020: 1-8.
Misch, J., Huang M, and Sprigle, S., Modeling manual wheelchair propulsion cost during straight and curvilinear trajectories. PloS one. 2020 Jun 18;15(6):e0234742
Sprigle, S., S.E. Sonenblum, and J.J. O’Brien. Transitioning a Research Tool Into a Consumer Product: The Wheelchair In-Seat Activity Tracker. in 2019 Design of Medical Devices Conference. 2019. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Sprigle, S., S.E. Sonenblum, and C. Feng, Pressure redistributing in-seat movement activities by persons with spinal cord injury over multiple epochs. PLoS One, 2019. 14(2): p. e0210978. PMCID: PMC6373897.
Sprigle, S. and S. Sonenblum, Visualizing Tissue Strain Under the Sacrum and Coccyx in Different Supine Postures: A Case Series. Adv Skin Wound Care, 2019.
Sprigle, S. and S. Johnson Taylor, Data-mining analysis of the provision of mobility devices in the United States with emphasis on complex rehab technology. Assist Technol, 2019. 31(3): p. 141-146.
Sprigle, S., M. Huang, and J. Misch, Measurement of rolling resistance and scrub torque of manual wheelchair drive wheels and casters. Assist Technol, 2019: p. 1-13.
Sonenblum, S.E., C.L. Maurer, C.D. Hanes, J. Piriano, and S.H. Sprigle, Everyday use of power adjustable seat height (PASH) systems. Assist Technol, 2019: p. 1-9.
Fyffe, D., S. Sonenblum, and T. Dyson-Hudson. Personal and Cultural Factors Associated with Functional Independence in SCI. in American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2019. Chicago, IL.
Wendland, D.M. and S.H. Sprigle, The Characterization of Plantar Skin Across Environmental Condition and Time. Adv Skin Wound Care, 2018. 31(3): p. 123-129.
Sprigle, S. and S. Pubillones, Developing a process for assessing equivalency of wheelchair cushion pressure redistribution performance. Assistive Technology, 2018: p. 1-8.
Sonenblum, S.E. and S.H. Sprigle, Buttock tissue response to loading in men with spinal cord injury. PLoS One, 2018. 13(2): p. e0191868. PMCID: PMC5802854.
Sonenblum, S.E. and S.H. Sprigle, Some people move it, move it… for pressure injury prevention. J Spinal Cord Med, 2018. 41(1): p. 106-110. PMCID: PMC5810794.
Sonenblum, S.E., J. Ma, S.H. Sprigle, T.R. Hetzel, and J. McKay Cathcart, Measuring the impact of cushion design on buttocks tissue deformation: An MRI approach. J Tissue Viability, 2018. 27(3): p. 162-172.
Barbareschi, G., C. Holloway, N. Bianchi-Berthouze, S. Sonenblum, and S. Sprigle, Use of a Low-Cost, Chest-Mounted Accelerometer to Evaluate Transfer Skills of Wheelchair Users During Everyday Activities: Observational Study. JMIR Rehabil Assist Technol, 2018. 5(2): p. e11748. PMCID: PMC6320409.
Reinkensmeyer, D.J., et al., How a diverse research ecosystem has generated new rehabilitation technologies: Review of NIDILRR’s Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 2017. 14(1): p. 109.
Barbareschi, G., C. Holloway, and S. Sprigle. Assistive Technology Design Courses: The Mutually Beneficial Relationship between Engineering Education and the Provision of Orphan Devices. in http://www. resna. org/news-events/annual-meeting/annual-meeting-proceedings/annual-conference-proceedings. 2017. Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America.
Wang, Y.T., Z. Li, Y. Yang, Y. Zhong, S.Y. Lee, S. Chen, and Y.P. Chen, Effects of wheelchair Tai Chi on physical and mental health among elderly with disability. Res Sports Med, 2016: p. 1-14.
Sprigle, S., M. Huang, and J.-T. Lin, Inertial and frictional influences of instrumented wheelchair wheels. Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering, 2016. 3.
Sprigle S and Sonenblum S.E., Pressure Injury Prevention. Seated but not still, in Rehab Management. 2016, Anthem Systems.
Sonenblum, S.E. and S.H. Sprigle, Some people move it, move it… for pressure injury prevention. J Spinal Cord Med, 2016: p. 1-5.
Sonenblum, S.E., S. Sprigle, and J.S. Martin, Everyday sitting behavior of full time wheelchair users. J Rehabil Res Dev, 2016. 53(5).
Sonenblum, S.E. and S. Sprigle, Wheelchair use in ultra-lightweight wheelchair users. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol, 2016: p. 1-6.
Paleg, G., M. Huang, S.C. Vasquez Gabela, S. Sprigle, and R. Livingstone, Comparison of the Inertial Properties and Forces Required to Initiate Movement for Three Gait Trainers. Assist Technol, 2016.
Lin, J. and S. Sprigle. The Impact of Wheelchair Weight Distribution and Human Physiological Fitness on Over-Ground Maneuver. in RESNA. 2016. Arlington, VA.
Sprigle, S. and M. Huang, Impact of Mass and Weight Distribution on Manual Wheelchair Propulsion Torque. Assist Technol, 2015. 27(4): p. 226-35; quiz 236-7.
Sonenblum, S.E., S.H. Sprigle, J.M. Cathcart, and R.J. Winder, 3D anatomy and deformation of the seated buttocks. J Tissue Viability, 2015. 24(2): p. 51-61.
Sprigle, S., Ultralight Research, Part II. Manual Chair Propulsion: New Insight Into Maneuvering Efficiency, in Mobility Management. 2015, HME Media.
Lin, J.T., M. Huang, and S. Sprigle, Evaluation of wheelchair resistive forces during straight and turning trajectories across different wheelchair configurations using free-wheeling coast-down test. J Rehabil Res Dev, 2015. 52(7): p. 763-74.
Liles, H., M. Huang, J. Caspall, and S. Sprigle, Design of a Robotic System to Measure Propulsion Work of Over-Ground Wheelchair Maneuvers. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng, 2015. 23(6): p. 983-91.
Kumar, N., S. Sprigle, and J.S. Martin, Measurement of Load Redistribution Properties of Wheelchair Cushions Using a Compliant Cushion Loading Indenter. Assist Technol, 2015. 27(3): p. 129-35.
Hoenig, H., et al., One Size Does Not Fit All – Mobility Device Type Affects Speed, Collisions, Fatigue & Pain. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 2015. 96(3): p. 189-97.
Sprigle, S. and W. Delaune, Factors that influence changes in wheelchair cushion performance over time. Assist Technol, 2014. 26(2): p. 61-8; quiz 69-70.
Sprigle, S., Manual Chair Propulsion: New Insight Into Maneuvering Efficiency, in Mobility Management 2014, HME Media Group.
Sprigle, S., Measure it: proper wheelchair fit is key to ensuring function while protecting skin integrity. Adv Skin Wound Care, 2014. 27(12): p. 561-72; quiz 573-4.
Sonenblum, S.E., T.E. Vonk, T.W. Janssen, and S.H. Sprigle, Effects of wheelchair cushions and pressure relief maneuvers on ischial interface pressure and blood flow in people with spinal cord injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 2014. 95(7): p. 1350-7.
Medola, F.O., P.V. Dao, J.J. Caspall, and S. Sprigle, Partitioning kinetic energy during freewheeling wheelchair maneuvers. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng, 2014. 22(2): p. 326-33.
Liles, H., M. Huang, J. Caspall, and S. Sprigle, Design of a Robotic System to Measure Propulsion Work of Freewheeling Wheelchair Maneuvers. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng, 2014. PP(99).
Stinson, M., R. Schofield, C. Gillan, J. Morton, E. Gardner, S. Sprigle, and A. Porter-Armstrong, Spinal cord injury and pressure ulcer prevention: using functional activity in pressure relief. Nurs Res Pract, 2013. 2013: p. 860396. PMCID: 3649706
Sprigle, S., S. Sonenblum, and T. Conner-Kerr, mobilityRERC state of the science conference: individualizing pressure ulcer risk and prevention strategies. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol, 2013. 8(6): p. 454-461.
Sprigle, S. and W. De l’aune, Factors contributing to extended activity times during the provision of wheeled mobility devices. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol, 2013. 8(3): p. 225-31.
Sprigle, S., Introduction to special section: state of the science on wheeled mobility and seating. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol, 2013. 8(6): p. 445-6.
Sprigle, S., Visual inspections of wheelchair cushions after everyday use. Assist Technol, 2013. 25(3): p. 176-80.
Hostak, R.S., D. Edwards, and S. Sprigle, mobilityRERC state of the science: how science influences public policy in seating and mobility. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol, 2013. 8(6): p. 447-53.
Cohen, L., N. Greer, E. Berliner, and S. Sprigle, mobilityRERC State of the Science Conference: considerations for developing an evidence base for wheeled mobility and seating service delivery. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol, 2013. 8(6): p. 462-71.
Caspall, J.J., E. Seligsohn, P.V. Dao, and S. Sprigle, Changes in inertia and effect on turning effort across different wheelchair configurations. J Rehabil Res Dev, 2013. 50(10): p. 1353-62.
Carmean, A., S. Sprigle, and J. Stockwell, Novel use of pressure mapping to determine acceptable load times in children undergoing neurosurgery. Critical Care Medicine, 2013. 41(12).
Sprigle S., D.M. Wendland Activity monitor accuracy in persons using canes. J Rehabilitation Res Dev, 2012. 49(8): 1261-1268.
Dai, R., S. E. Sonenblum, et al. (2012). A robust wheelchair pressure relief monitoring system. IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc San Diego, CA.
Eicholtz, M.R., Caspall, J.J., Dao, P.V., Sprigle, S., and Ferri, A., Test method for empirically determining inertial properties of manual wheelchairs. J Rehabil Res Dev, 2012. 49(1): p. 51-62.
Sonenblum, S. E., S. Sprigle, et al. (2012).Validation of an accelerometer-based method to measure the use of manual wheelchairs. Med Eng Phys 34(6): 781-786.
Sonenblum, S. E., S. H. Sprigle, et al. (2012). 3-dimensional buttocks response to sitting: A case report. J Tissue Viability.
Sonenblum, S.E., Sprigle, S., and Lopez, R.A. Manual Wheelchair Use: Bouts of Mobility in Everyday Life Rehabilitation Research and Practice, 2012. p. 1- 7.
Sprigle, S., J. Lenker, et al. (2012). Activities of suppliers and technicians during the provision of complex and standard wheeled mobility devices. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol 7(3): 219-25.
Sprigle, S., Nemeth, M., and Gajjala, A., Iterative design and testing of a hand-held, non-contact wound measurement device Journal of Tissue Viability, 2011. 21(1): 17-26.
Sprigle, S. and S. E. Sonenblum (2012). How manual wheelchairs are used during everyday mobility. 28th International Seating Symposium, Vancouver, Canada.
Sonenblum, S.E. and Sprigle, S., Distinct tilting behaviors with power tilt-in-space systems. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol, 2011. 6: p. 526-535.
Sonenblum, S.E. and Sprigle, S., Blood flow and pressure changes with tilt-in-space, in Rehab & Community Care Medicine. 2011. p. 22-25.
Sonenblum, S.E. and Sprigle, S.H., The impact of tilting on blood flow and localized tissue loading. J Tissue Viability, 2011. 20(1): p. 3-13.
Sprigle, S., Lenker, J., and Searcy, K., Activities of suppliers and technicians during the provision of complex and standard wheeled mobility devices. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol, 2011. p. 1-7.
Sprigle, S. and Sonenblum, S., Assessing evidence supporting redistribution of pressure for pressure ulcer prevention: a review. J Rehabil Res Dev, 2011. 48(3): p. 203-13.
Harris, F., Sprigle, S., Sonenblum, S.E., and Maurer, C.L., The participation and activity measurement system: an example application among people who use wheeled mobility devices. Disability And Rehabilitation. Assistive Technology, 2010. 5(1): p. 48-57.
Hoenig, H., Huffman, K., Iezzoni, L., Levy, C.E., Sonenblum, S., and Sprigle, S., Motorized scooters: boon or bane? Am J Cardiol, 2010. 106(4): p. 601.
Huo, X. and Ghovanloo, M., Evaluation of a wireless wearable tongue-computer interface by individuals with high-level spinal cord injuries. J Neural Eng, 2010. 7(2): p. 26008.
Kong, L., Yi, D., Sprigle, S., Wang, F., Wang, C., Liu, F., Adibi, A., and Tummala, R., Single sensor that outputs narrowband multispectral images. J Biomed Opt, 2010. 15(1): p. 010502.
Qi, H., Kong, L., Wang, C., and Miao, L., A Hand-held Mosaicked Multispectral Imaging Device for Early Stage Pressure Ulcer Detection. J Med Syst, 2010. Link to Publication
Sprigle, S., Chung, B., and Meyer, T., Assessment of the ISO impact damping test for wheelchair cushions. Assist Technol, 2010. 22(4): p. 236-44.
Sprigle, S., Maurer, C.L. and Sonenblum, S.E. Load redistribution in variable position wheelchair in people with spinal cord injury. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 2010, 33(1):p. 58-64.
Limroongreungrat, W., Wang, Y.T., Chang, L.S., Geil, M.D., and Johnson, J.T., An instrumented wheel system for measuring 3-D pushrim kinetics during racing wheelchair propulsion. Res Sports Med, 2009. 17(3): p. 182-94.
Sonenblum, S.E., Sprigle, S., and Maurer, C.L., Use of power tilt systems in everyday life.. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol, 2009. 4(1): p. 24-30.
Sprigle, S. On “impact of surface type, wheelchair weight, and axle position wheelchair propulsion by novice older adults” . Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 2009. 90(7): p. 1073-5.
Sprigle, S., Zhang, L., and Duckworth, M., ‘Detection of skin erythema in darkly pigmented skin using multispectral images.’ Adv Skin Wound Care, 2009. 22(4): p. 172-9. PMID19325277
Choi, Y., Sabata, D., Todd, R., and Sprigle, S., ‘Building a Consumer Network to Engage Users with Disabilities ’ in Designing Exclusive Futures, P. Langton, J. Clarkson, and P. Robinson, Editors. 2008, Springer p. 55-62.
Davis, K., Kreutz, D., Maurer, C., and Sprigle, S., Seating and Positioning in Spinal Cord Injuries: Management and Rehabilitation, A. Sisto, E. Druin, and M. Macht-Sliwinski, Editors. 2008, Elsevier Inc. p. 254-295.
Harris, F. and Sprigle, S., Outcomes measurement of a wheelchair intervention. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol, 2008. 3(4): p. 171-80.
Pipkin, L. and Sprigle, S., Effect of model design, cushion construction, and interface pressure mats on interface pressure and immersion. J Rehabil Res Dev, 2008. 45(6): p. 875-82.
Sonenblum, S.E., Sprigle, S., Harris, F.H., and Maurer, C.L., Characterization of power wheelchair use in the home and community. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 2008. 89(3): p. 486-91.
Wang, Y.T., Bernard, R., Cope, C., Chang, L.S., Limroongreungrat, W., and Sprigle, S., Fundamental locomotive activity time efficiency with differently positioning drive-axis wheelchairs among elders. Adapt Phys Activ Q, 2008. 25(4): p. 322-34.
Cohen, L., Research priorities: wheeled mobility. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol, 2007. 2(3): p. 173-80.
Fuhrer, M.J., Assessing the efficacy, effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness of assistive technology interventions for enhancing mobility. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol, 2007. 2(3): p. 149-58.
Ganesh, S., Hayter, A., Kim, J., Sanford, J., Sprigle, S., and Hoenig, H., Wheelchair use by veterans newly prescribed a manual wheelchair. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 2007. 88(4): p. 434-9.
Harris, F., Conceptual issues in the measurement of participation among wheeled mobility device users. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol, 2007. 2(3): p. 137-48.
Hoenig, H., Giacobbi, P., and Levy, C.E., Methodological challenges confronting researchers of wheeled mobility aids and other assistive technologies. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol, 2007. 2(3): p. 159-68.
Kong, L., Caspall, J., Duckworth, M., and Sprigle, S., ‘Assessment of an ultrasonic dermal scanner for skin thickness measurements.’ Med Eng Phys, 2007.
Sanford, J.A., Hoenig, H., and Griffiths, P., A Comparison of TeleVideo and Traditional In-Home Rehabilitation in Mobility Impaired Older Adults Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, 2007. 25(3): p. 1-18.
Sprigle, S., Research priorities: seating and positioning. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol, 2007. 2(3): p. 181-7.
Sprigle, S., State of the science on wheeled mobility and seating measuring the health, activity and participation of wheelchair users. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol, 2007. 2(3): p. 133-5.
Sprigle, S., Cohen, L., and Davis, K., Establishing seating and wheeled mobility research priorities. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol, 2007. 2(3): p. 169-72.
Sprigle, S., Maurer, C., and Holowka, M., Development of valid and reliable measures of postural stability. J Spinal Cord Med, 2007. 30(1): p. 40-9.
Ankrom, M.A., Bennett, R.G., Sprigle, S., Langemo, D., Black, J.M., Berlowitz, D.R., and Lyder, C.H., ‘Pressure-related deep tissue injury under intact skin and the current pressure ulcer staging systems.’ Adv Skin Wound Care, 2005. 18(1): p. 35-42.
Hong, S.W., Patrangenaru, V., Singhose, W., and Sprigle, S., A method for identifying human-generated forces during an extensor thrust. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 2006. 7(3): p. 66-71.
Hong, S.W., Patrangenaru, V., Singhose, W., and Sprigle, S., Identification of human-generated forces on wheelchairs during total-body extensor thrusts. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon), 2006. 21(8): p. 790-8.
Sanford, J.A., Griffiths, P.C., Richardson, P., Hargraves, K., Butterfield, T., and Hoenig, H., The Effects of In-Home Rehabilitation on Task Self-Efficacy in Mobility-Impaired Adults: A Randomized Clinical Trial Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2006. 54(11): p.1641-1648.
Sprigle, S., Patel, N., Joshi, A., and Starner, T.,Handheld, non-contact wound measurement device. Clinical Symposium on Advances in Skin & Wound Care. p. 379.
Sprigle, S., ‘The NPUAP Support Surface Standards Initiative.’ Ostomy Wound Manage, 2004. 50(8): p. 6-8.
Hoenig, H., Landerman, L.R., Shipp, K.M., Pieper, C., Richardson, M., Pahel, N., and George, L., A clinical trial of a rehabilitation expert clinician versus usual care for providing manual wheelchairs. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2005. 53(10): p. 1712-20.