If you would like accessible versions of these documents, please email rearlab@gatech.edu
Misch, J. and S. Sprigle. Effects of wheels and tires on high-strength lightweight wheelchair propulsion cost using a robotic wheelchair tester. in American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) Annual Conference. 2021: (virtual).
Sonenblum, S.E., S. Sprigle, and B. Delmore. How does a dressing change sacral tissue deformation. in NPIAP 2020 Annual Conference. 2020. Houston, TX.
Sonenblum, S.E. and C. Maurer. Plenary Session: Why should I let big brother monitor my wheelchair usage? Let’s discuss. in International Seating Symposium. 2020. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Sonenblum, S.E. Seated Anatomy and its Impact on Pressure Ulcer Risk. in International Seating Symposium. 2020. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Misch, J. and S. Sprigle. Relating Manual Wheelchair Propulsion Cost to Energy Loss Measurements. in Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Conference. 2020: San Diego, CA (virtual).
Misch, J. and S. Sprigle. Effects of Incremental Mass Changes on Wheelchair Motion Using Robotic Tester. in American Society of Biomechanics (ASB) Annual Conference. 2020: Atlanta, GA (virtual).
Misch, J., H. Kim, and S. Sprigle. How incremental mass changes manual wheelchair motion under controlled propulsion. in Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA) Annual Conference. 2020: Washington, D.C. (virtual)
Sprigle, S., S.E. Sonenblum, and J.J. O’Brien. Transitioning a Research Tool Into a Consumer Product: The Wheelchair In-Seat Activity Tracker. in 2019 Design of Medical Devices Conference. 2019. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Sprigle, S. and S. Sonenblum. Biomechanics of pressure ulcers: Vintage versus contemporary findings. in AAWC Pressure Ulcer Summit. 2019. Atlanta, GA.
Sprigle, S. and S. Sonenblum. Tissue Strain Under the Sacrum & Coccyx: By Supine Posture and Skeletal Morphology. in NPUAP. 2019. St. Louis, MO.
Sonenblum, S.E., S. Sprigle, M. Shea, K. Waugh, and T. Dyson-Hudson. How does it shape up? Buttocks shape across wheelchair cushions. in International Seating Symposium. 2019. Pittsburgh, PA.
Sonenblum, S.E., S. Sprigle, M. Shea, K. Waugh, and T. Dyson-Hudson. How does it shape up? Buttocks shape across wheelchair cushions. in RehabWeek2019. 2019. Toronto, Canada.
Sonenblum, S. and S. Sprigle. Getting the Most Out of the Exhibit Hall: How to Ask for Evidence. in International Seating Symposium. 2019. Pittsburgh, PA.
Piriano, J., S. Sonenblum, and C. Maurer. Everyday Use of PASH Systems – Who, Why, Where and When. in International Seating Symposium. 2019. Pittsburgh, PA.
Fyffe, D., S. Sonenblum, and T. Dyson-Hudson. Personal and Cultural Factors Associated with Functional Independence in SCI. in American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2019. Chicago, IL.
Barbareschi, G., C. Holloway, S. Sonenblum, and S. Sprigle. Does the setting matter? Observing wheelchair transfers across different environmental conditions. in RehabWeek2019. 2019. Toronto, Canada.
Sprigle, S. What’s next? Focusing PU Prevention research on informing clinical interventions (the ‘what’s next’ after risk assessment). in AAWC Pressure Ulcer Summit. 2018. Atlanta, GA.
Sonenblum, S.E. and C. Maurer. Seat Elevators in Everyday Life. in International Seating Symposium. 2018. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Sonenblum, S.E. Using Imaging to Describe Tissue Responses to Loading. in AAWC Pressure Ulcer Summit. 2018. Atlanta, GA.
Sonenblum, S.E. and N. Petrone. From pressure to deformation… the buttocks response to sitting. in International Seating Symposium. 2018. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Misch, J.P. and S. Sonenblum. Repeatability and Reliability of Tissue Compliance Tester Over Bony Anatomy. in Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA) Annual Conference. 2018: Washington, D.C.
Maurer, C., J. Piriano, and S.E. Sonenblum. Everyday Use of Power Adjustable Seat Height Systems-Who, Why, Where, When. in European Seating Symposium. 2018. Dublin, Ireland.
Sprigle S. and Huang M. Test methods to determine propulsion work while maneuvering manual wheelchairs. in RESNA 2017. 2017. New Orleans.
Sonenblum, S.E. and S. Sprigle. What happens when you sit? Explaining seated buttocks deformation. in International Seating Symposium. 2017. Nashville, TN.
Sonenblum, S.E. Using MRIs of the Seated Buttocks to Learn about Wheelchair Seating. in ASCIP. 2017. Denver, CO.
Barbareschi, G., C. Holloway, and S. Sprigle. Assistive Technology Design Courses: The Mutually Beneficial Relationship between Engineering Education and the Provision of Orphan Devices. in http://www.resna.org/news-events/annual-meeting/annual-meeting-proceedings/annual-conference-proceedings. 2017. Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America.
Sonenblum, S.E. and S. Sprigle. You Got to Move It, Move It! Pressure Reliefs, Weight Shifts, and Wheelchair Mobility in Individuals with SCI. inRESNA. 2016. Arlington, VA.
Sonenblum, S.E. and T. Dyson-Hudson. You Got to Move it, Move it! in 32nd International Seating Symposium. 2016. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Lin, J. and S. Sprigle. The Impact of Wheelchair Weight Distribution and Human Physiological Fitness on Over-Ground Maneuver in RESNA. 2016. Arlington, VA.
Crane, B., T. Hetzel, and S.E. Sonenblum. Clinical Application of the Dispersion Index. in 32nd International Seating Symposium. 2016. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Sonenblum, S.E. and S. Sprigle. Do you know how people move in their wheelchairs? Measuring and describing real-world wheelchair use. in RESNA Annual Meeting. 2015. Denver, CO.
Sonenblum, S.E., S. S, J. Cathcart, and R.J. Winder. WHAT DO WE SIT ON? ANATOMY OF THE SEATED BUTTOCKS. in RESNA Annual Meeting. 2015. Denver, CO.
Lin, J.-T., M. Huang, and S. Sprigle. The Mechanical Impact of an Instrumented Push-rim on a Wheelchair System. in 2015 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting 2015. Tampa.
Huang, M. and S. Sprigle, The Impact of Drive Wheels on Manual Wheelchair Propulsion Torque, in 2015 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting2015: Tampa.
Sonenblum, S.E. and S. Sprigle. Study of 3D buttocks tissue deformation to inform pressure ulcer risk and cushion test method development. in Shear and tissue integrity – the state of the science. 2014. London, UK.
Sonenblum, S.E. and S. Sprigle, Risk factors affecting buttocks tissue deformation and blood flow response to loading in RESNA Annual Meeting2014: Indianapolis, IN.
Martin, J.S., S.E. Sonenblum, and S.H. Sprigle, Signal processing for a wheelchair pressure relief monitoring system, in RESNA Annual Conference2014.
Lin, J. and S. Sprigle, Evaluation of total wheelchair resistance in straight and curvilinear coast-down test, in RESNA Annual Meeting2014: Indianapolis.
Lin, J., M. Shinohara, and S. Sprigle, A Novel Approach to Evaluate Propulsion Efficiency during Free-Wheeling Wheelchair Maneuvers, in Georgia Tech Reserach & Innovation Conference 2014: Atlanta.
Liles, H., M. Huang, J. Caspall, and S. Sprigle, Design and evaluation of an anthropometric modeling propulsion system for wheelchair testing, inRESNA Annual Conference2014: Indianapolis.
Kumar, N., S. Sprigle, and J. Martin, Validation of load redistribution properties using a compliant cushion loading indenter in RESNA Annual Conference2014: Indianapolis, IN.
Berliner, E., Cohen, L., and Greer, N. Delivering wheeled mobility and seating services. Presented at the State of the Science Conference at the RESNA Annual Meeting. 2012. Baltimore, MD.
Conner-Kerr, T., Sonenblum, S.E. and Sprigle, S. Individualizing pressure ulcer risk and prevention strategies. Presented at the State of the Science Conference at the RESNA Annual Meeting. 2012. Baltimore, MD.
Dietzel, K., FitzGerald, K., Hanks, M., Kittiko, R., Lam, J., Martinez, S., Strauss, K, Ke, X., & Wang, Y. Effect of Wheelchair Tai Chi Intervention on Physical Health among Elderly with Disability. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine. 2012. San Francisco, CA.
Harris, F., Hoenig, H., Iezzoni, L., and Lenker, J. Mobility trajectories and transitions: from walking to wheeling and vice versa. Presented at the State of the Science Conference at the RESNA Annual Meeting. 2012. Baltimore, MD.
Hoenig, H., Cone,C., et al. Effects of Wheelchair Type on Mobility Performance in Public Places (Medical Center). Presented at the 28th International Seating Symposium. 2012. Vancouver, Canada.
Hoenig, H. Cone, C. Morgan, M., Landerman, L. and Caves, K. Effects of Wheelchair Type on Mobility Performance in Community and Home Environments . 2012. Presented at the RESNA Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
Hostak, R., and Edwards, D. How science influences public policy in seating and mobility(webcast). Presented at the State of the Science Conference at the RESNA Annual Meeting. 2012. Baltimore, MD.
Ke, X., Chang, L. S., Nemeth, M., Batra, A., Limroongreungrat, W., & Wang, Y. (2012). Feedback on Advanced Wheelchair Skills Training for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury. Presented at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine. 2012. San Francisco, CA.
Maurer, C., Daviou, P., et al. (2012). Bariatric Rehab Product Review and Implications for Prescription. Presented at the 28th International Seating Symposium. 2012. Vancouver, Canada.
Sonenblum, S. E. and S. Sprigle Getting Blood to the Butt: Response to Sitting and Pressure Relief. Presented at the 28th International Seating Symposium. 2012. Vancouver, Canada.
Sonenblum, S. E., Cathcart,J., et al. Tissue deformation in the seated buttocks model. Presented at the 2012 BMES Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Sonenblum, S. E., J. Cathcart, et al. (2012). Tissue deformation in the seated buttocks model. American Society of Biomechanics, Gainseville, FL.
Sprigle, S. Changes in Wheelchair Cushions Over Time . Presented at the 28th International Seating Symposium. 2012. Vancouver, Canada.
Sprigle, S. Low Profile Tension Seat for Wheelchair Users who Propel with One or Both Feet.Presented at the 28th International Seating Symposium. 2012. Vancouver, Canada.
Sprigle, S. and Sonenblum, S.E. How manual wheelchairs are used during everyday mobility.Presented at the International Seating Symposium. 2012. Vancouver, Canada.
Sprigle, S. and Singhose, W. Developing a sustainable Rehabilitation Engineering course. Presented at the 2012 BMES Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Vonk, T. E., Sonenblum, S. E., et al. Pressure relief and weight shift behavior during prolonged sitting in patients with a spinal cord injury. Presented at the 2012 BMES Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Eicholtz, M., Sprigle, S., Ferri, A., Caspall, J., Dao, P., and Wang, S. iMachine: Measuring Manual Wheelchair Inertial Properties. Presented at the Georgia Tech Research Innovation and Conference. 2011. Atlanta, GA.
Michael, D. and Sprigle, S. (2011). Use of Stepwatch on persons who use ambulation aids. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Ambulatory Assessment. 2010. Ann Arbor, MI.
Michael, D. and Sprigle, S. Validating Stepwatch to monitor on persons using ambulation aids. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Ambulatory Assessment. 2010. Ann Arbor, MI.
Sonenblum, S.E., Sprigle, S., Lopez, R., and Caspall, J. A Methodology to Measure the Use of Manual Wheelchairs. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Ambulatory Assessment. 2010. Ann Arbor, MI.
Sonenblum, S.E., Lopez, R., and Sprigle, S. 17,000 Bouts of Mobility. Presented at the RESNA Annual Meeting. 2011. Toronto, ON, Canada. Download the Mobility Paper.
Sonenblum, S.E. and Sprigle, S. 3-Dimensional Phantom Buttocks Tissue Deformation Across Cushions. Presented at the RESNA Annual Meeting. 2011. Toronto, ON, Canada. Download the Buttocks Tissue Deformation Presentation.
Sonenblum, S., and Sprigle, S. Real-World Use of Powered Tilt-and-Recline Wheelchairs. Proceedings of the 2011 ACRM-ASNR Annual Conference. 2010. Atlanta, GA. Download Poster Here
Sonenblum, S.E., Sprigle, S., Lopez, R., and Caspall, J. A Methodology to Measure the Use of Manual Wheelchairs. Presented at the Society for Ambulatory Assessment. 2011. Ann Arbor, MI.
Sprigle, S., Lopez, R., and Sonenblum, S.E. Characterizing Mobility of Manual Wheelchair Users. Presented at the Society for Ambulatory Assessment. 2011. Ann Arbor, MI. Download the Characterizing Mobility Presentation.
Sprigle, S. and Lenker, J. Activities by Suppliers & Technicians During the Provision of Wheeled Mobility. Presented at the 27th International Seating Symposium. 2011. Nashville, TN. Download the Supplier and Technicians Presentation.
Dao, P., Caspall, J., Eicholtz, M., Ferri, A., Sprigle, S., and Wang, S. AMPS: Anatomical Model Propulsion System: Measuring Manual Wheelchair Efficiency. Presented at the Georgia Tech Research and Innovation Conference, 2010. Atlanta, GA. Download the AMPS poster.
Eicholtz, M., Caspall, J. Dao, P., ., Ferri, A., Sprigle, S., and Wang, S. iMachine: Measuring Manual Wheelchair Mass Properties. Presented at the Georgia Tech Research and Innovation Conference, 2010. Atlanta, GA. Download the iMachine poster .
Hoenig, H., Griffiths, P., Harris, F., Caves, K., and Sprigle, S. The Accuracy of New Wheelchair User Predictions about Their Future Wheelchair Use (Abstract). Presented at the RESNA Annual Meeting. 2010. Las Vegas, NV.
Kong, L., Sprigle, S., Wang, C., and Zheng, L. Study on Alleviation Pressure Cushion . Presented at the RESNA Annual Meeting. 2010. Las Vegas, NV. Download the Alleviation Pressure Cushion full-text presentation.
Lopez, R., Sonenblum, S.E., and Sprigle, S. Mobility Metrics for Manual Wheelchair Use in Everyday Life. Presented at the RESNA Annual Meeting. 2010. Las Vegas, NV. Download the Mobility Metrics poster or download the full version of the “Mobility Metrics paper (.rtf format)
Maurer, C. and Sonenblum, S. Draft of Recommendations for Training and Use of Power Tilt Systems. Presented at the 26th International Seating Symposium. 2010. Vancouver, BC, Canada. Download the Power Tilt Systems slide presentation.
Nemeth, M., Sprigle, S., and Gajjala, A. Clinical Usability of a Wound Measurement Device. Presented at the 36th Annual American Spinal Injury Conference. 2010. Nashville, TN. Download the Clinical Usability full-text presentation.
Sonenblum, S.E. and Sprigle, S. Blood Flow and Pressure Changes that Occur with Tilt-in-Space. Presented at the RESNA Annual Meeting. 2010. Las Vegas, NV. Download the Blood Flow and Pressure Changes full-text presentation or the Blood Flow and Pressure Changes slide presentation.
Sprigle, S., Chung, B., and Meyer, T. Assessment of the ISO Impact Damping Test of Wheelchair Cushions (Abstract). Presented at the RESNA Annual Meeting. 2010. Las Vegas, NV.
Sprigle, S., Maurer, C., and Kong, L. Inventor-Driven Product Development (Abstract). Presented at the RESNA Annual Meeting. 2010. Las Vegas, NV. Download the Inventor-Driven Development full-text presentation.
Yi, D., Kong, L., and Sprigle, S. Detecting Early Stage Pressure Ulcer on Dark Skin Using Multispectral Imager. Presented at the SPIE International Symposium on Biomedical Vibrational Spectroscopy. 2010. San Francisco, CA. Download the Detecting Pressure Ulcer Paper.
Chung, B. Dynamic Response of Wheelchair Cushions. Presented at the 25th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference . 2009. Miami, FL: IFMBE Proceedings. Download the Dynamic Response Presentation
Chung, B. Dynamic Response of Wheelchair Cushions to the ISO Impact Damping Test. Presented at the RESNA Annual Meeting . 2009. New Orleans, LA. Download the Dynamic Response of Wheelchair Cushions slide presentation.
Cohen, L., Sprigle, S. Effect of a Web-Based Research Dissemination Project on Clinician Practice Patterns. Presented at the RESNA Annual Meeting. 2009. New Orleans, LA. Effect of a Web-Based Research Dissemination Project on Clinician Practice Patterns (Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Dao, P., Eicholtz, M., et al. Anatomical Model Propulsion System (AMPS): Measuring Manual Wheelchair Efficiency. Presented at the BMES Annual Meeting, 2009, Pittsburgh, PA. Download the Anatomical Model Propulsion System poster.
Limroongreungrat, W., Chang, L.-S., Wang, Y.T., Acker, C., Maurer, C., and Sprigle, S.Effectiveness of Immediate Video Feedback on Wheelchair Propulsion Training for Patients With Spinal Cord Injuries. Presented at the American College of Sports Medicine. 2009. Download the Wheelchair Propulsion Training Paper.
Maurer, C. Sonenblum, S.E., and Sprigle, S. Wheelchair Use in Everyday Life. Presented at the RESNA Annual Meeting. 2009. New Orleans, LA. Download the Wheelchair Use in Everyday Life slide presentation.
Meyer, T. Dynamic Response of Wheelchair Cushions to the ISO Impact Damping Test. Presented at the BMES Annual Meeting. 2009. Pittsburgh, PA. Download the Dynamic Response poster
Sonenblum, S. E., Caspall, J., et al. An Analysis Method for Detecting Manual Wheelchair Movement Presented at the BMES Annual Meeting. 2009. Pittsburgh, PA. A Data Processing Method to Measure the Use of Manual Wheelchairs (Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Sonenblum, S.E., Caspall, J., Lopez, R., and Sprigle, S. A Data Processing Method for Detecting Manual Wheelchair Movement. Presented at the BMES Annual Meeting. 2009. Pittsburgh, PA. Download the Data Processing Method poster.
Sonenblum, S.E., Sprigle, S. Biomechanical Responses to Seated Full Body Tilt. Presented at the BMES Annual Meeting . 2009. Pittsburgh, PA. Download the Biomechanical Responses Paper.
Sonenblum, S.E., Sprigle, S. Blood Flow and Pressure Changes that Occur With Tilt-in-space. Presented at the European Seating Symposium. 2009. Dublin, Ireland. Download the Blood Flow and Pressure Changes full-text paper, or the Blood Flow and Pressure Changes slide presentation.
Sprigle, S. Wheelchair Cushion Degradation During Everyday Use. Presented at the BMES Annual Meeting. 2009. Pittsburgh, PA. Download the Wheelchair Cushion Degradation poster .
Sprigle, S. Cushion Use and Performance in Everyday Life. Presented at the International Seating Symposium. 2009. Orlando, FL. Download the Cushion Use and Performance slide presentation.
Sprigle, S. Wheelchair Use in Everyday Life. Presented at the International Seating Symposium. 2009. Orlando, FL. Download the Wheelchair Use in Everyday Life slide presentation.
Sprigle, S., Eicholtz, M. Temperature and Humidity at the Buttock-Wheelchair Cushion Interface. Presented at the BMES Annual Meeting. 2009. Pittsburgh, PA. Download the Temperature and Humidity Poster.
Choi, Y. and Sprigle, S. The When of User Engagement Presented at the 4th Cambridge Workshop on Universal Access and Assistive Technology. 2008. Cambridge, UK. The When. . . “ (Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Davis, K. and Sprigle, S. The Science of Interface Pressure Mapping – Updates for Clinical Application. Presented at the 24th International Seating Symposium. 2008. Vancouver, BC. Download the Science of Interface full-text presentation.
Duckworth, M., Caspall, J., Mappus IV, R.L., Kong, L., Yi, D., and Sprigle, S. Bruise chromophore concentrations over time. Presented at the IEEE – SPIE Medical Imaging. 2008. San Diego, California USA. Bruise Chromophore. . . ” (Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Harris, F.H., Sonenblum, S.E., Sprigle, S., and Maurer, C. Impact of Tilt-in-Space Power Wheelchairs on Health, Activity, and Participation. Presented at the RESNA Annual Meeting. 2008. Washington, DC. Download the Tilt-in-Space Presentation.
Hoenig, H., Harris, F., Griffiths, P., Sanford, J., and Sprigle, S., Organizers for Symposium: Accelerating advancement in AT outcomes research to enhance independence in aging, at the ICADI, 2008. St. Petersburg, FL.
Hoenig, H., Harris, F., Griffiths, P., and Sprigle, S. Outcomes of an Expert vs Usual Care Intervention for Manual Wheelchairs (Poster presentation abstract). Presented at the International Seating Symposium. 2008. Vancouver, British Columbia.
Kong, L., Caspall, J., Duckworth, M., Yi, D., and Sprigle, S. Handheld erythema and bruise detector. Presented at the IEEE – SPIE Medical Imaging. 2008. San Diego, California USA. Handheld Erythema. . . “ (Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Rivard, D., Sprigle, S., and Linden, M. Investigation of the Lifespan for Wheelchair Cushions used on a Daily Basis. Presented at the RESNA annual meeting. 2008. Arlington, VA. Download the Presentation.
Sonenblum, S.E., Sprigle, S., Harris, F.H., and Maurer, C. Understanding Wheelchair Use Patterns: Tilt-in-Space. Presented at the 24th International Seating Symposium. 2008. Vancouver, BC. Download the Understanding Tilt-in-Space slide presentation.
Sonenblum, S.E., Sprigle, S., Maurer, C., and Harris, F.H. Why Full-time Power Wheelchair Users Tilt. Presented at the RESNA Annual Meeting. 2008. Washington, DC. Download the Power Wheelchair Users Tilt Paper.
Dharne, M., Lenker, J., Harris, F.H., and Sprigle, S. Reliability and Validity of Assistive Technology Outcome Measure (ATOM), Version 1.0 for Adults with Physical Disability using Wheelchairs Presented at the RESNA annual meeting. 2007. Phoenix, AZ.
Duckworth, M., Patel, N., Joshi, A., and Lankton, S. A clinically affordable non-contact wound area measurement device. Presented at the RESNA Annual Meeting. 2007. Phoenix, AZ. Download the Clinically affordable non-contact full-text conference presentation.
Harris, F.H., Sonenblum, S.E., and Sprigle, S. Measuring Participation Among Wheeled Mobility Users. Presented at the European Seating Symposium. 2007. Dublin, Ireland. Download the Measuring Participation full-text conference presentation .
Harris, F.H., Sonenblum, S.E., and Sprigle, S. A Case Study: Activity and Participation Measurement in Two Subjects. Presented at the RESNA Annual Meeting. 2007. Phoenix, AZ. Download the Activity and Participation full-text conference presentation .
Harris, F.H. and Sprigle, S. Outcomes of an Assistive Technology Intervention Among Wheeled Mobility Users. Presented at the RESNA annual meeting. 2007. Phoenix, AZ. Download the Outcomes of Intervention full-text conference presentation
Hoenig, H., Harris, F., Griffiths, P., Sanford, J., and Sprigle, S. Factors Underling Positive Results From A Clinical Trial Of A Rehab Expert Versus Usual Care For Providing Manual Wheelchairs. . Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Paul Beeson Physician Scholars. 2007. New York: Alliance for Aging Research.
Hoenig, H., Purser, J., Feng, Q., and Yi, Z. Healthy Aging Despite Adversity. Presented at the Beijing Forum. 2007. Beijing, China.
Linden, M. and Sprigle, S. Methodology to Measure the Adjustability of Skin Protection Features of Wheelchair Cushions. Presented at the RESNA annual meeting. 2007. Phoenix, AZ. Download the Adjustability of Skin Protection full-text conference presentation.
Smith, D., Tharp, P., Pires, C., Linden, M., and Davis, K. Determination of Optimal Technique to Monitor Bed Occupancy and Body Position. Presented at the Shepherd Center Research Day. 2007. Atlanta, GA. Download the Optimal Technique conference poster.
Sprigle, S. and Davis, K. Clinical Application of Interface Pressure Mapping. Presented at the European Seating Symposium. 2007. Dublin, Ireland. Download the Clinical Application slide presentation.
Sprigle, S. and Davis, K. Mobility Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center report on the State of the Science (Abstract) . Presented at the 23rd International Seating Symposium. 2007. Orlando, FL.
Sprigle, S., Yi, D., Caspall, J., Linden, M., Kong, L., and Duckworth, M. Multispectral image analysis of bruise age. Presented at the Medical Imaging 2007: Computer-Aided Diagnosis 2007. San Diego, CA, USA SPIE. Multispectral image analysis. . . “ (Requires Adobe AcrobatReader)
Harris, F.H., Sprigle, S., and Sonenblum, S.E. Measuring Activity and Participation in Outcomes Research. Presented at the RESNA Annual Meeting. 2006. Atlanta, GA. Download Measuring Activity slide presentation.
Sonenblum, S.E. Daily Mobility Patterns in Power Wheelchair Users: What complexity measures can be used to describe mobility patterns? Presented at the Southeast Biomechanics Conference. 2006. Atlanta, GA. Download the Daily Mobility Patterns slide presentation.
Sonenblum, S.E., Sprigle, S., and Maurer, C. Monitoring Power Upright and Tilt-In-Space Wheelchair Use. Presented at the RESNA Annual Meeting. 2006. Atlanta, GA. Download the Monitoring Power Upright full-text presentation.
Sprigle, S., N. Patel, et al. Handheld, non-contact wound measurement device. Presented at the Clinical Symposium on Advances in Skin & Wound Care, 2006. Lake Buena Vista, FL. Handheld Non-Contact (abstract). . . “ Handheld Non-Contact (poster ). . . “ (Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Wang, Q., Kong, L., Sprigle, S., and Hayward, V. Portable gage for pressure ulcer detection. Presented at the Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2006. Portable Gage. . . “ (Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Ganesh, S.P., Taylor, D.H., Pieper, C.F., Fried, L.P., Guralnik, J.M., and Hoenig, H.M. Discrepancies between the Adaptive Strategies Used for Mobility Tasks and Measured Physical Performance. Presented at the Annual Assembly of the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2005. Philadelphia, PA.
Ganesh, S.P., Hoenig, H.M., Hayter, A.J., Kim, P., Sanford, J.A., and Sprigle, S.H. Poster 203: Manual Wheelchair Use by Community-Dwelling and Institutionalized Veterans (Poster abstract). Presented at the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Annual Assembly. 2005. Philadelphia, PA.
Lankton, S., Sonenblum, S.E., Sprigle, S., Wolf, J., and Oliveira, M. Use of GPS and Sensor-based Instrumentation as a Supplement to Self-Report in Studies of Activity and Participation. Presented at the RESNA Annual Meeting. 2005. Atlanta, GA. Download the Use of GPS full-text presentation .
Sonenblum, S.E., Sprigle, S., VanHeil, L., and Maurer, C. Kinematics of Lateral Transfers: A Pilot Study. Presented at the RESNA Annual Meeting . 2005. Atlanta, GA. Download theKinematics Poster conference poster.
Sonenblum, S.E., Sprigle, S., VanHeil, L., Maurer, C., and Whittaker, E. Kinematics of Lateral Transfers: A Pilot Study (Abstract). Presented at the International Society of Biomechanics. 2005. Cleveland, OH. \
Sonenblum, S.E., Sprigle, S., West, L., and Wood, J. Non-Invasive Erythema Detection Using Spectral Imaging. Presented at the RESNA Annual Meeting. 2005. Atlanta, GA. Non-Invasive Erythema Detection. . . “ (Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)